The Holiday Question Minefield 🎄

Picture this: a crowded holiday dinner table, all eyes on you, and a question hanging in the air that leaves you wondering, "How do I navigate this gracefully?"

As the festive season joyfully unfolds, so does the inevitable dance of uncomfortable questions. Navigating through these moments, especially with the spotlight of family and friends, can be akin to a high-stakes performance. Sometimes, you might find yourself uncertain of the right words, the right expressions, or even the right face to make. The holiday season should be about warmth and joy, not feeling like you're tiptoeing through a minefield of awkward inquiries.

Fret not! I'm here to be your guide, your ally in the art of redirecting and gracefully handling those curveball questions. Whether it's the classic "When are you getting married?" or the slightly less intrusive "How's your job going?" – I've got you covered.


For Uncomfortable Questions:

Graceful Response:

"Thank you for asking. I'm simply being mindful of my happiness right now, but if you’re truly hoping to know more, let’s chat about it after the holidays."

2. Indulge in a Hobby: Dedicate time to an activity that fills your heart with joy—whether it's diving into a good book, expressing yourself through art, or dancing to your favorite tunes.

Direct Approach:

"I appreciate your interest, but I don't wish to discuss this particular topic at the moment. Let's keep the mood festive." 

Remember that these responses are not just about surviving but thriving. Your mental health and well-being deserve center stage during this festive season.

Now, let's delve into the most common uncomfortable questions:


"When are you getting married?"

Mental Prep: Remind yourself of your own journey and priorities and of the internalized socialized messages that can be creeping into your mind.

Response Options:

1. "Marriage isn't on my current agenda, and I prefer to keep that choice private. I hope you understand."

2. "I'm in the process of navigating life at my own pace, and right now, marriage isn't in the immediate plan."

3. "I appreciate your curiosity, and I’m sure it comes from a caring place, but I'd rather not discuss my relationship status at the moment.”


"When are you having kids? When are you having the next kid?"

 Mental Prep: Acknowledge the sensitivity of family planning.

Response Options:

1. "Family planning is a personal journey with a lot of nuance, so I'd rather not delve into that topic."

2. "I prefer not to discuss such a delicate topic in a group setting, given its sensitive nature."

3. "Family planning is a topic I'm hoping to keep private. I hope you understand."


“How's your job going?"

Mental Prep: Your job isn't your whole story. Release the pressure.

Response Options:

1. "I appreciate your interest, but I don't wish to discuss work at the moment. Let's enjoy our time together instead."

2. "Thanks for asking, but let's put the work talk on pause. I'd rather hear about your recent adventures!"

3. Let's save the career chat for another time and let’s focus on the energy of the holidays. What's the dish you’re most looking forward to eating today?"


These responses are your tools for not just surviving but thriving during this festive season. Your mental health and well-being deserve to be prioritized.

Stay well,

Dr. Mariel

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Navigating Grief During the Holiday Season